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Delete Data

Securely delete your user data & account

How to delete your user data & account

You can securely delete your user data & account directly from within the game. Note that this includes your stored game and Unity Game Services authentication data. It does not include data collected by our third-party advertising providers. Note that you must be signed in and have an active internet connection to delete your data & account. Checks are done during the deletion request to ensure these are in place.

Authentication is done with the platform identity provider. This is Apple Games Center for iOS & Google Play Games for Android. This ensures that your progress, kredits, power-ups, and purchases will persist across same-OS devices, or if you lose your device or reinstall the game on the same platform.

You can delete your user data & account directly from within the game or you can request to have your data deleted. To delete your user data & account from within the game please complete the steps 1 to 5 below. If you are having issues with the in-game deletion or would like to request the deletion from us, jump to step 6.

1. Navigate to Account Control


From any menu, click on the Account button in the top right corner.

Note that you must be signed in and have an active internet connection to be able to delete your data & account.

If the Account button is yellow you are not signed in and need to sign-in to be able to delete your data.

If the Account button is green you are signed in and your account is securely linked to one of the identity providers such as Apple or Google.

If the Account button is grey the sign-in failed most like because you are offline.

If the Account button is orange it means that your sign-in has expired and you need to sign in again.

  • Slide title

    Click on the Account button in the top-right


2. Click on the Delete button


To delete your data click on the Delete button.

Note that you can see your player name and current authentication status.

You must be signed in to be able to delete your data & account.

The account will only be deleted if the cloud & local user data can be first successfully deleted.

Once the Delete button is clicked, the first check is to ensure that you are signed in and have an active internet connection.

  • Slide title

    Click on the Delete button


3. Offline Check


You must be signed in and have an active internet connection to be able to delete your data & account.

This is to ensure that your local & cloud data is securely deleted before the parent account is deleted.

If you are not online, meaning the servers cannot be reached, the game will show the Offline notification.

Please ensure that you are signed in and have an active internet connection before trying to delete your data & account.

  • Slide title

    Offline check is performed


4. Verify the permanent deletion


You must verify that you would like to proceed with the deletion.

Please note that this deletion operation is permanent and irreversible. Once your data is deleted, it is unrecoverable.

This includes your progress, kredits, power-ups, and purchases.

If you are sure you would like to proceed with the deletion click on the green checkmark, otherwise, press the red cross to cancel.

  • Slide title

    Confirm the irreversible deletion


5. Deletion confirmation


Once you verify, the cloud & local data will be deleted, and subsequently your account.

To ensure full deletion, the cloud data will be deleted first. Then, if successful, the local data & account will be deleted.

Once fully deleted you will see the 'Deletion Successful", and you will no longer have a player name.

Please note that if you click 'Sign in' it will create a new anonymous account for you.

  • Slide title

    Receive confirmation of the successful deletion



6. You can request to have your data deleted


If you are having issues with the in-game deletion you can request the deletion of your data & account.

You can use the switch button from the Account Controls to reveal your Player ID.

Your Player ID can also be found in the Support page which is accessible via the Settings.

Just send us a message with your Player ID from the CONTACT page requesting the deletion and we'll do the rest.

Please be aware that this deletion operation is permanent and irreversible.

  • Slide title

    Can request deletion with the player ID

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